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Lisa Recording Again?

Lisa Marie apparently visited with the rock band, Glasvegas last month in Edinburgh. Lisa and Priscilla had flown over for the Led Zepplin concert and then met the Scottish band in a pub. It seems Lisa had loved their single, Daddy's Gone which singer James Allan wrote about his parents' break up.

Lisa called the group to tell them the song lyrics really touched her. And that she and her mom listened to the song, Daddy's Gone 8 times in a row. James said: "We met Lisa Marie in an Edinburgh pub. She'd never been to Scotland before. Nobody recognized her, even though she looks like Elvis."

"She'd met Alan McGee in LA and told him how much she loved us. She's got a recording studio at home and she's invited us to record a few tracks with her the next time we tour America."

Glasvegas is made up of James, guitarist Rab Allan, bass player Paul Donoghue and drummer Caroline Mackay. Their new single is, It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry will be released on Valentine's Day.

Here are the lyrics:

How you are my hero
how your never here though
remember times when you put me on your shoulders
how I wish it was forever you would hold us
right now I'm too young to know
how in the future it will affect me when you go
you could have had it all
you, me, and mum y`know
anything was possible

I wont be the lonely one
sitting on my own and sad
a fifty year old
reminiscing what i had

I wont be the lonely one
sitting on my own and sad
forget your dad, he's gone

All I wanted was a kick-a-bout in the park
for you to race me home when it was nearly getting dark
how I could've been yours, and you be mine
it could've been me and you until the end of time
do what you want, when you want
be as fuckin' insincere as you can
what kind of way is that to treat your wife
to see your son on Saturdays
what way is that to live your life?

I wont be the lonely one
sitting on my own and sad
a fifty year old
reminiscing what i had

I wont be the lonely one
sitting on my own and sad
forget your dad, he's gone

You can learn more about the band at their web site:


Posted:  26th. January 2008 

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